Dino Kingdom Combo with Slide 4-in-1

Dino Kingdom Combo with Slide 4-in-1

    • Setup Area: 20 ft x 30 ft x 18 ft height
    • Outlets: 1

    • $275.00
      Daily Rental
    • Add to Cart

This is one Island nobody would mind being stranded on! The Dino Kingdom Combo is perfect for any dinosuar themed birthday party or event! The jump area includes a basketball hoop and a ladder climbing up to the top of the attached slide.

COPYRIGHT 1993 - , Jolly Jumps 43153 Business Park Drive, Temecula CA 92590
INLAND EMPIRE and RIVERSIDE COUNTY: 951-461-9200 | SAN DIEGO: 760.723.8558 | TOLL FREE 877.694.1994


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